OSCON and Page Responsiveness videos

August 15, 2009 5:01 pm | 1 Comment

I had a great time at OSCON a few weeks back. It was in San Jose this year. (Pro: I don’t have to travel and my wife can go to the parties. Con: I miss Portland.) Just as I wrote about last year, Gregg Pollack was there asking speakers to summarize their talks in 30 seconds. He published the results in the video series 5 Days of OSCON. I’m in the video for Day 3.

Gregg also pointed me to his Page Responsiveness webcast/video, where he talks about YSlow and the Google Ajax Libraries API. I really like this video. It’s informative, engaging, and short. They remind me of Aza Raskin’s webcasts on Ubiquity and Jetpack. These two guys are very talented in how they convey complex information in a hands-on way. I encourage you to take a look.

One Response to OSCON and Page Responsiveness videos

  1. Thanks Steve for the linkage, and for all the work you do to help us Web Developers create the fastest websites possible.

    Oh, and when do I get to see you produce some screencasts? You’re an awesome teacher.