Velocity: Google Maps API performance

July 7, 2010 1:09 pm | 1 Comment

Several months ago I saw Susannah Raub do an internal tech talk on the performance improvements behind Google Maps API v3. She kindly agreed to reprise the talk at Velocity. Luckily it was videotaped, and the slides (ODP) are available, too. It’s a strong case study on improving performance, is valuable for developers working with the Google Maps API, and has a few takeaways that I’ll blog about more soon.

Susannah starts off bravely by showing how Google Maps API v2 takes 17 seconds to load on an iPhone. This was the motivation for the work on v3 – to improve performance. In order to improve performance you have to start by measuring it. The Google Maps team broke down “performance” into three categories:

  • user perceived latency – how long it takes for the page to appear usable, in this case for the map to be rendered
  • page ready time – how long it takes for the page to become usable, e.g. for the map to be draggable
  • page load time – how long it takes for all the elements to be present, in the case of maps this includes all of the map controls to be loaded and working

The team wanted to measure all of these areas. It’s fairly easy to find tools to measure performance on the desktop – the Google Maps teamed used HttpWatch. Performance tools, or any development tools for that matter, are harder to come by in the mobile space. But the team especially wanted to focus on creating a fast experience on mobile devices. They ended up using Fiddler as a proxy to gain visibility into the page’s performance profile.

future blog post #1: Coincidentally, today I saw a tweet about Craig Dunn’s instructions for Monitoring iPhone web traffic (with Fiddler). This is a huge takeaway for anyone doing web development for mobile. At Velocity, Eric Lawrence (creator of Fiddler) announced Fiddler support for the HTTP Archive Specification. The HTTP Archive (HAR) format is a specification I initiated over a year ago with folks from HttpWatch and Firebug. HAR is becoming the industry standard just as I had hoped and is now supported in numerous developer tools. I wrote one such tool, called HAR to Page Speed, that takes a HAR file and displays a Page Speed performance analysis as well as an HTTP waterfall chart. Putting all these pieces together, you can now load a web site on your iPhone, monitor it with Fiddler, export it to a HAR file, and upload it to HAR to Page Speed to find out how it performs. Given Fiddler’s extensive capabilities for creating addons, I expect it won’t be long before all of this is built into Fiddler itself.

In the case of Google Maps API, the long pole in the tent was main.js. They have a small (15K) bootstrap script that loads main.js (180K). (All of the script sizes in this blog post are UNcompressed sizes.) The performance impact of main.js was especially bad on mobile devices because of less caching. They compiled their JavaScript (using Closure) and combined three HTTP requests into one.

future blog post #2: The team also realized that although their JavaScript download was large, the revisions between releases was small. They created a framework for only downloading deltas when possible that cut seconds off their download times. More on this tomorrow.

These performance improvements helped, but they wanted to go further. They redesigned their code using an MVC architecture. As a result, the initial download only needs to include the models, which are small. The larger views and controllers that do all the heavy lifting are loaded asynchronously. This reduced the initial bootstrap script from 15K to 4K, and the main.js from 180K to 33K.

The results speak for themselves. Susannah concludes by showing how v3 of Google Maps API takes only 5 seconds to load on the iPhone, compared to v2’s 17 seconds. The best practices the team employed for making Google Maps faster are valuable for anyone working on JavaScript-heavy web sites. Take a look at the video and slides, and watch here for a follow-up on Fiddler for iPhone and loading JavaScript deltas.

One Response to Velocity: Google Maps API performance

  1. I’d love to lead why Google Maps v3 still chooses not to obey several of the rules defined in PageSpeed. Obviously it’s not ignorance. Any insights into why they chose to not serve tiles from a static domain? All I can assume is that it’s about collecting cookies to track users across the internet.

    It’s obvious they’re focused on performance, so they my have reasons. I’m just curious what they are. On a related note, am I penalized if I use google maps because they choose not to follow known performance enhancements?
